Want a PS3?

want a ps3

PS3 Photo

Tower of Sony Playstation 3 computing power, anyone?

Suggested Use

I hear that Kim Jong-il has networked five thousand of these together to plot trajectories for a new Earth-to-Jupiter interplanetary expedition. They are looking for mutant ladies of the night.

Now Really

And no, commenting on this post will NOT win you a free PS3. I just thought you folks might enjoy seeing this excess. My old roomie bought them as prizes for long-term participants in a University of Texas Austin research study. She says it caused a few raised eyebrows at the checkout at Fry’s Electronics.


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  1. Dear Webmaster,

    This gentleman:

    www chriszamanillo com

    Is re-posting your content on his own site, presumably without your permission. He’s linking to it, but I believe he’s also altering the posting dates to make it look like his was first.

    I know this because I just discovered he’s doing the same to me. Thought you’d like to know

    – Sean

  2. No reply, and the content is still there. He’s aggregating the content through RSS likely, so I’m just going to shut my RSS down.

  3. Yeah… I think I might start putting a byline in my post content. But I don’t mind having my stuff shared elsewhere as long as it’s clear who’s making it. Thanks again for the info!

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