Game Case Study Update: Kaos War and Damon Grow

So recently I wrote a long, rambling post talking about the Kaos War MMORPG and some of the mistakes that founder Damon Grow makes during their journey (as documented by a video series). What ever happened with Damon and Kaos War? Kaos War never came out. Not a big surprise, you say? Get this: […]


Our Steam Game on Sale! Launching in 6 Days

Our Steam Game Goes on Sale in a Few Days I’m happy to announce that our Steam game goes on sale in less than a week! The project is the brainchild of my client, David Nguyen, and it’s titled Crimson Sword Saga: The Peloran Wars. Built in RPG Maker, it’s a “visual novel,” a role-playing […]


Gauntlet Revived: Reworking a Classic

Just saw this trailer for the reboot of the arcade original, and it’s well done. It shows how the gameplay echoes the original, and even more importantly, it’s humorous. I like how the arrowshot at the beginning draws you through the story it’s telling. The new game can be found on Steam.


An Indie Game Afternoon

Indie Game Madness at Fantastic Fest Spent a chunk of the afternoon at the “Fantastic Arcade,” something I had no idea existed until a few weeks ago. I was pretty impressed with the polish on most of these games, which are ripe and ready for DLC publication. Some of them are doubtlessly soon to hit […]


Are Games and Workout Machines Crossing Over?

Will Your Next Game Console Make You Sweat? A recent article about exercise equipment with gaming features caught my eye recently: Nexersys, a new Austin-based workout machine maker, is pointing out that videogames and exercise equipment are reaching convergence. It’s worth taking a look at this crossover phenomenon. Fitness is a huge industry, and entertainment […]


Game Cover Showdown: Motorstorm

Videogame Cover Art One-on-One The MotorStorm team at Evolution Studios just posted their cover art for the new MotorStorm Apocalypse. They’ve got two covers, one for the EU and one for the U.S. Same game, two covers. Why do marketing teams do this? Well, for one, there are different requirements for the labeling and legalese. […]


The Stupidest Names in Videogames

by the Game Writer Guy Honoring the Stupid Writers and readers, let’s face it. The grimy menage a trois of videogames, science fiction, and comic books has spawned some really stupid character names. Of course, I love all that stuff, and a lot of the writers and directors in the field have sired visionary work […]


Want a PS3?

PS3 Photo Tower of Sony Playstation 3 computing power, anyone? Suggested Use I hear that Kim Jong-il has networked five thousand of these together to plot trajectories for a new Earth-to-Jupiter interplanetary expedition. They are looking for mutant ladies of the night. Now Really And no, commenting on this post will NOT win you a […]


Can You Be-Gleeve It?

The Gleeve: Frog’s New Power Glove So Frog Design has a new unstructured-play concept called the Gleeve. Cool concept that lends itself to horrible blog puns and nightmares of Nintendo’s abortive power glove. I think it has potential, although the description does seem a little light on details. I’m not about to criticize a simple […]


Rapidfire Review: Sengoku Basara

Hi, videogame fans. Today we’ve got an update for you about the PS3 title Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes, or SBSH. (It’s also been converted into an anime and a manga title.) I’m still trying to recover from the discovery that this game was developed by Capcom, not Koei, because it smells, tastes, feels, and plays […]
