npesp32.dll: A Virus False Alarm

Beloved geeks, Just a quick note about npesp32.dll, a little-known and horribly undocumented Windows DLL. For some reason, my antivirus program, the unremarkable but free AVG, took a disliking to npesp32.dll, tagging it as the host for the “Generic22.BYCR” virus. I quarantined it and fortunately did not delete it, because shortly thereafter, both iTunes and […]


Hulu Plus Review-ette

Hulu Plus Sounds Useful You know, it’s not hard to like Hulu Plus. One of the big wins for me is that Hulu Plus has a huge catalog of Criterion collection movies. These are classic arthouse movies and canonical cinema landmarks from a wide range of eras. And they have some essential TV shows that […]


Draw Something iOS Circles the Drain

Zynga Breaks Draw Something Again I admit, I play Draw Something on my iPhone. And I often regret it. On my old 3GS, I would only play when I knew I was going to get refreshments or warm up the bathwater because that’s how long it took to load. But my friends play, and some […]


Game of the Year? Dead Island Thoughts

Dead Island Releases Dubious Game of the Year Edition To Muffled Groans Zombies. How many must we slay to save the world? Unfortunately, Dead Island brought us a tropical island full of them, and if my multiple-rental of the title is any indication, putting zombies in paradise is not any substitute for fresh ideas. It’s […]


Pizza Delivery? Or Papa Murphy’s?

Pizza Parties and Videogaming = Bliss The next time you’re thinking about getting some pizza delivery, don’t forget that you’ve got other options, including the take n’ bake offerings from Papa Murphy’s. Trying the Taco Grande Pizza The kind folks at Papa Murphy’s set us up with a taste of their limited-time-only Taco Grande pizza […]


Game Writer Roundup: Bulletstorm

Bulletstorm Isn’t Brainless – Surprise! Your game writer tip today is to check out Bulletstorm — not much press coverage, but a really tight little action shooter with finely tuned gameplay, good characters, unique weapons, funny action segments (including one where you get to drive a giant mechanical dino through a level and smash the […]


Game Writer Rundown: Skyrim

Thoughts on Bethseda’s Skyrim I rented the popular new RPG Skyrim last weekend and lost 2 days to it. This game is a GOTY contender and has garnered over 200 perfect scores from game writers. The usually reserved (and incisive) Eurogamer goes as far as calling it a “masterpiece.” I think it’s pretty good, although I’d […]


Game Writer Central Interview: Pinballz Arcade

Surviving in the Stand-Up Arcade Business by Game Writer Central‘s Michelle B. I’m over forty and female which I think is a bit unusual in the gaming industry itself. [I think you’d be surprised :) – Game Writer Guy] I do think female gamers are one of the fastest growing demographics for games and what […]


The Buggiest Game in Consoles

Nominating Resistance 3 As The Buggiest Console Game The buggiest game in consoles, at least in our eyes, has arrived, and it’s Resistance 3 for the PS3. There have been a lot of buggy console games, especially after standard-issue local storage made it acceptable for game publishers to burp out a buggy videogame and then […]


Gaming and Safe Sex

Game Writer Central Welcomes Michelle B. To Our Game Writing Team Michelle, our new game writer, will be making her first splash here soon with an interview of one of the owners at Pinballz, an independent videogame arcade that’s making a serious go of it in these tough times. In fact, Pinballz opened in November […]
