Unemployed men are wasting away playing videogames, says CSM

Apparently the Japanese aren’t the only ones struggling with listless and purposeless young men. Who are these guys? In Japan, as described in this aptly titled 2011 Kotaku article “The Depressing World of Unemployed Nerds,” there’s a growing problem of young males who have effectively dropped out of society and are relying on the positive […]


I For One Welcome Our New Tolkien-Savvy Late Night Overlord, Stephen Colbert

All Hail Stephen Colbert, Tolkien Overlord Stephen Colbert is a walking, talking Tolkien robo-freak? Who knew? I mean, he is the epitome of the talented, charming uber-nerd, but I for one had no idea his credentials were quite so authentic. Colbert turns out to have major Tolkien cred, although sadly his secret supergeek origin story is […]
