All Hail Stephen Colbert, Tolkien Overlord
Stephen Colbert is a walking, talking Tolkien robo-freak? Who knew?
I mean, he is the epitome of the talented, charming uber-nerd, but I for one had no idea his credentials were quite so authentic. Colbert turns out to have major Tolkien cred, although sadly his secret supergeek origin story is not particularly cheery: Colbert reportedly immersed himself in Tolkien and D&D after the tragic death of his father and two siblings in the crash of Eastern Airlines Flight 212.
So on to the actual details: firstly, if you have a Tolkien research project, Stephen Colbert is your dream encyclopedia, being comprehensive, witty, and decidedly random-access. Says Peter Jackson, “I have never met a bigger Tolkien geek in my life… I have to say, his encyclopedic knowledge of Tolkien is spectacular, and points to a deprived childhood in some respects.” Apparently he bested Jackson’s resident Tolkien expert in a Tolkien trivia contest.
And secondly, after a visit to the Peter Jackson set, Colbert was invited back to cameo — along with his family — in Desolation of Smaug.
Congrats to Colbert, who of course will soon be replacing Letterman as one of the major stars in the late night firmament.
And a Semi-NSFW Videogame Thread You Must See
Appropos of nothing, I stumbled across this ridiculously funny thread on Giantbomb recently where various gamers describe their sex lives using the titles of various videogames.
Some of these are gutbusters, including “World of Goo” (!!!!!), “Super Meat Boy,” “Alone in the Dark,” “Petz: Horse Club,” “Touch My Katamari,” and “Half-Minute Hero”.
That’s what she said, indeed.
Oh wait — I am indeed genius because Stephen Colbert was Steve Carrell’s friend and understudy at Second City. Appropos of Colbert, baby!