See this fellow? He walks miles in deep snow, for hours, for a noble cause. To honor the arcade game Qbert. Here’s what that snow art looks like: I can hear Qbert jumping from cube to cube right now! Spoing spoing! Okay, maybe it isn’t actually Qbert-themed. Simon Beck is our snow artist and apparently […]
Tag Archives: writer
Hulu Plus Review-ette
Hulu Plus Sounds Useful You know, it’s not hard to like Hulu Plus. One of the big wins for me is that Hulu Plus has a huge catalog of Criterion collection movies. These are classic arthouse movies and canonical cinema landmarks from a wide range of eras. And they have some essential TV shows that […]
Game Writer Rundown: Skyrim
Thoughts on Bethseda’s Skyrim I rented the popular new RPG Skyrim last weekend and lost 2 days to it. This game is a GOTY contender and has garnered over 200 perfect scores from game writers. The usually reserved (and incisive) Eurogamer goes as far as calling it a “masterpiece.” I think it’s pretty good, although I’d […]
The Videogaming Dentist
Free Tunes Trifecta
Free + Tunes = Thursjoy There is such a thing as a free lunch, or at least some free tunes for you, my loyal readers. Quality tunes, of course. We may all lament these changing times. Information overload, internet privacy concerns, and random yokels trying to be your friend on Facebook. One positive side to the […]
Thinking About Lara Croft
Tomb Raider Is Back I suppose it’s time to throw a little love Lara’s way. There’s a new Tomb Raider reboot brewing, and the Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light third-person downloadable game prospering (#2 in DLC at the Playstation Store). I’m happy that the execs have recognized that this gaming icon still has […]
A Brain-Training Break
Brain-training games may be jumping the proverbial shark right now, or maybe they’re simply regrouping for a renaissance. Either way, we thought you’d appreciate a few brain puzzlers to break up your week. We’ll post the answers in a few days. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain on Earth? A child […]
Game Designers Actually Write?
Game Writers Aren’t the Only Developers Who Need Writing Skills “Game designer” is an oft-misunderstood label that, like all labels, sometimes fails completely in describing the variety and depth of tasks tackled by the many talented people who fall into this bucket. Many times game consumers and friends have told me they thought game designers […]
A Game Job: Not for Everyone
Do You Want a Job in the Game Industry? Game jobs aren’t easy to land, and we get pretty regular inquiries about how to do just that for game writer, game designer, and other game industry jobs. The game industry is small, insular, and fiercely competitive. There are a lot of very smart people who […]
The Avatar Movie
Game Writer Thoughts on Cameron’s Avatar Movie The Avatar movie is all the rage right now, and with good reason. Here are my quick, spoiler-free thoughts. Gorgeous. The Avatar movie is simply gorgeous. It feels real, although it does have a heavy Halo texture to it too. To be fair, Cameron’s already trod this territory […]