This Is Why Marvel Is Better Than Star Wars

Marvel Is Beating the Pants Off Star Wars – Admit It Marvel Comics and Star Wars have always been the polestars of my geekdom, but things have changed and now we have to admit that cinematically, Marvel is better than Star Wars, for some really obvious reasons. Star Wars came to greatness by taking chances. […]


Okay, These Funny Facebook Game Thumbnails Aren’t Funny Anymore

Ever notice those little game thumbnails that appear in the top right of your browser when you’re browsing through your friends’ baby and half-eaten-meal pictures? Yes, this is the tip of the once-mighty juggernaut that once powered the Candy Crush and Farmville empires. But the Facebook game ecosystem is pretty dead now as mobile dominates everything. […]


JRPGs versus Western RPGs

I just posted on Quora in answer to an interesting question: what do I prefer, JRPGs or Western-style RPGs, and why? Since David Nguyen and I just published the JRPG Crimson Sword Saga: The Peloran Wars on Steam, you’d think I’d prefer JRPGs, but you’d be wrong. I’m a Western guy, and David is the […]


Our Steam Game on Sale! Launching in 6 Days

Our Steam Game Goes on Sale in a Few Days I’m happy to announce that our Steam game goes on sale in less than a week! The project is the brainchild of my client, David Nguyen, and it’s titled Crimson Sword Saga: The Peloran Wars. Built in RPG Maker, it’s a “visual novel,” a role-playing […]


Tom Clancy’s “The Division” Sequel Announce: Box Art Released

Ubisoft’s The Division console game has been a fairly strong success (with an 80/100 rating on Metacritic)… but it came out in March 2016 and time moves fast in the videogame industry. Thus it was no surprise that the sequel to Tom Clancy’s The Division was announced in July on Sweatypistol. The new game, as […]


Unemployed men are wasting away playing videogames, says CSM

Apparently the Japanese aren’t the only ones struggling with listless and purposeless young men. Who are these guys? In Japan, as described in this aptly titled 2011 Kotaku article “The Depressing World of Unemployed Nerds,” there’s a growing problem of young males who have effectively dropped out of society and are relying on the positive […]


Scott Feldman’s Revival? And Bending the Rules in the Oldest Game

Normally this blog is about videogames, but today is about a different kind of game. The summer game! Baseball, of course! Scott Feldman Reborn? Here’s an insight for you baseball fans. The Astros’ Scott Feldman is one of those veteran pitchers who’s now vacillating between the bullpen and a starting role. He’s 31, has been […]


Video Game Vs. Real World Combat

Today’s chuckle is courtesy of Endless Origami, which hits on a favorite thought of mine: the differences between video game strategy and real-world combat strategy. Sometimes they are radically different, which means we’re in for a heap of trouble if (a la The Last Starfighter) the FPS video games we’ve been weaned on are actually being sent […]


Is The Google Car Kind Of A Jerk? And A Cool Inventor

Some robot news for you today. ZDNet reports that the Google Self-Driving Car has caused its first accident by assuming a bus would yield, aka by kind of cutting it off. The early reports on the Google Car said that it was perhaps too hesitant and polite, causing it to be the recipient of road […]
